Welcome Day 2022: studying at Université Paris-Saclay for the first time?
Are you arriving in France and studying at Université Paris-Saclay for the first time? If so, register for the Welcome Day which will take place on Thursday, October 6th 2022 on the Bures-Orsay campus!
The Welcome Day is a festive event for international students arriving for their first year at Université Paris-Saclay. It aims to present the departments of the University and services provided to the students during their stay.
For this first edition with all Paris-Saclay institutions, there will be 4 thematic areas:
- My contacts at Université Paris-Saclay to meet with your contact staff members depending on your status, campus, studies...
- My social integration on campus to learn more about the cultural and sport activities, events and integration opportunities
- My arrival in France to get information about administrative procedures and the services and support provided
- My involvement in societal issues to discover the solidarity initiatives you can benefit from or contribute to
Programme: information booths to meet with the members of the university, activities, buffet and DJ night.
The information booths will take place on the parking lot of the buildings 332-333, on the Orsay campus. In the evening, the event will take place at the MAPS (Maison des associations de Paris-Saclay (building 399 - Orsay campus).
Meet us at 5:00 pm at the entrance of the MAPS (Maison des associations Paris-Saclay, building 399 on Orsay campus).
Free shuttle buses will be available for students coming from Université d'Evry and Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin).
Registration is open until October 1st and is mandatory to access the event (limited spots available).
Pour s'inscrire, merci de remplir le formulaire en ligne / To register please fill the online form:
- Registration open until October 1st
- Beginning at 5 pm at the MAPS (Maison des Associations de Paris-Saclay) on Orsay campus
- Location of the evening: MAPS (Maison des Associations de Paris-Saclay) on Orsay campus
- Free buffet (only soft drinks are free)
Download the media kit here: https://cirrus.universite-paris-saclay.fr/s/R4HZPrgx7pAxyF6