Welcome Day 2024
The Welcome Day is THE not-to-be-missed integration event at Université Paris-Saclay, designed to welcome the university’s international students and contribute to their student success.
This year, the Welcome Day will take place on Thursday 26 September on the Bures-Orsay campus. Starting at 11.30 am, the event will be divided into two main parts:
From 11.30am to 6pm: various information and activity stands will welcome all of the university’s students (French and international):
- Approximately 50 stands on the Bures-Orsay campus (building 33 car park – access via rue du Doyen André Guinier 91440 Bures-sur-Yvette, see the map with Google Maps).
- The university’s services for student life, student associations, partners, local authorities and professionals working in health, welfare, sport and culture will be present.
- Numerous festive activities.
- Free food and drink for all students.
At 7pm, the Welcome Day party will begin (registration required) for international students.
- The Crous Les Cèdres university restaurant (building 406, rue du château 91400 Orsay, see the map with Google Maps) will welcome international students who have registered for a special evening. More information to come.

This welcome event for students at Université Paris-Saclay is supported by the following partners: the councils of Bures-sur-Yvette, Orsay, Les Ulis, Palaiseau and Massy, the EPA Paris-Saclay, and the Crous de Versailles.