Université Paris-Saclay commits to the fight against period poverty
Université Paris-Saclay commits to ending period poverty with the launch of the “Never in the red again!” campaign (Plus jamais dans le rouge !)
- Women are more affected by poverty than men, particularly those aged between 18 and 29 (1)
- 8% of women and girls surveyed said that they don’t change their sanitary protection as often as they should due to a lack of resources (2)
- On average, a woman will spend €4,500 on sanitary protection throughout her lifetime (3)

Because access to free sanitary protection is a matter of justice and equality, and because menstruation should no longer be a taboo, Université Paris-Saclay and elected representatives from its student associations are launching the “Never in the red again!” (Plus jamais dans le rouge !) campaign:
- Eleven period product dispensers will be installed on campus by the environmentally friendly company Marguerite & Cie (organic and disposable pads/tampons). The dispensers will be free for everyone, at all times.
- Sanitary protection stocks will be available for over 5,000 scholarship students within the University’s nine constituent faculties and institutes, four component grandes écoles and two associate institutions. The goal is to supply strategic locations (e.g. student associations, the solidary grocery store Agorae, the University’s health services, etc.) with free sanitary products.
- Raising awareness about reusable menstrual products: the University is committed to environmental issues and will be providing its institutions with sample products (menstrual cups, period underwear, washable sanitary pads) in partnership with the company Dans ma Culotte.
You will be able to follow the awareness campaign illustrated by the press cartoonist, Besse, on the University’s social network channels, throughout the week of 8 March 2021.
You can access the communication kit for the campaign here: https://cirrus.universite-paris-saclay.fr/s/tZBH8PkGS2RWLF8
The operation has received funding from the Student and Campus Life Contribution fund, the Prefecture of the Ile de France region, the Essonne Department, the Paris-Saclay Urban Community and the student welfare office in Versailles, the Crous. It is also supported by the Fondation Paris-Saclay Université.
1. https://www.insee.fr/fr/statistiques/3567016
2. According to a survey conducted by IFOP (Institut français d'opinion publique)
3. https://www.bloodygoodperiod.com/